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Artist Statement


          My current body of work serves as a visual example of a philosophical concept, which is important to my work, as philosophy is seeking a universal truth: a topic that is important to my life. While making drapery studies, I noticed the significance of the negative space in relation to the form and movement of the piece. It suggests an object that once existed and strengthens the composition. This reminded me of a statement from Aristotle’s Metaphysics: that there is no word for an object that does not exist, rather we must use other words to discuss the object’s lack of existence in relation to something that does exist.


          Quality craftsmanship and complex forms are an important feature of my work. While making these pieces, I kept in mind the significance of their placement in a gallery space. The colors, forms and scale are all designed for an exhibition in a white cube gallery. They are arranged in a way that unites the sculptures by their close proximity and layout, while still allowing the viewer to enjoy them individually. The flowing lines not only move the viewer’s eye around the piece, but also across the arrangement of all the sculptures together. My goal is for the beauty of the pieces, the metaphysical reference and the technical ceramic components to draw people in, and hopefully give them the desire to understand work and application more deeply.

Jonathan DeMauro

B.F.A Sculpture

Brittany Passon

(Contact Info)


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